Calla Tschanz

Hello! I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in the research group of Grzegorz Kapustka. I obtained my PhD from the University of Bath under the supervision of Gregory Sankaran in September 2023. My thesis was awarded the Edward Fraenkel Prize 2022-2023 for best thesis in the Mathematical Sciences Departement. Before my PhD, I was an undergraduate in Bath. In June I will start a postdoc with Christian Lehn in Ruhr University Bochum as part of the Franco-German POK0 project. See press release .

My email address is calla.tschanz (at)

My research interests include moduli spaces, Hilbert schemes, hyperkähler geometry, logarithmic geometry and geometric invariant theory.

My CV is available here. I am a reviewer for zbMATH.

I am Swiss-Irish and grew up in the French speaking part of Switzerland, but have been living in the UK for the past eight years. Like many mathematicians, when I am not working, I enjoy going bouldering.